lee full - Lee Bremridge

Lee Bremridge

Criminal Barrister
  • Year of Call
  • 2003; Head of Chambers

Criminal Law


Lee Bremridge is Head of Chambers at Walnut House and a criminal barrister experienced in all areas of complex and serious crime. Lee is known for dealing with serious cases, defending and prosecuting in equal measure. Lee is a Category 4 prosecutor and is on the CPS rape prosecutions panel. His practice includes defending and prosecuting in cases concerning serious sexual offences (involving very young or vulnerable witnesses), violent crime, drugs offences and offences of fraud and money laundering. Lee has been a led junior in cases of murder, fraud and drugs conspiracies. He has appeared against and has co-defended with Queen’s Counsel.

Biographical and Other Information

  • Amicus Intern
  • Amicus Intern at the Office of Capital Post Conviction Counsel, Mississippi (representing defendants awaiting execution)
  • Academic
  • Graduated in 2000 and completed a Diploma in Law in 2002. Gray’s Inn Beddingfield Scholar.

Criminal Law team members