Bathsheba Cassel
Criminal Barrister
Criminal Law
Murder, Manslaughter and Non-Fatal Violence:
Bathsheba Cassel appears regularly for the defence and the prosecution in cases involving murder and all other allegations of violent offending. Bathsheba consistently brings to such cases her skill and tenacity, her strong knowledge of the law and her ability to connect and communicate effectively with all within the courtroom, regardless of background or ability.
R v Mangori: Instructed as Junior Prosecution Counsel led by Simon Laws QC in this high-profile murder trial
R v TK: Instructed as Junior Defence Counsel led by Simon Laws QC to represent the first defendant where two men were accused of murdering a family friend for his life savings.
R v CJ: Instructed as Defence Counsel to represent one of 15 defendants on an indictment alleging attempted murder, conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm and conspiracy to supply class A drugs.
R v RZ and GW: Instructed to prosecute an allegation of conspiracy to cause GBH where weapons including a firearm and an iron bar were taken to the scene of the offending.
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Serious Sexual Offences
Bathsheba Cassel appears regularly for the prosecution and defence in cases involving allegations of sexual offending. She has been appointed to the CPS Advocate Panel rape and child sexual abuse list. Bathsheba has extensive experience of the issues involved in such cases which enables her to deal with the sensitivities of these cases to the highest professional standards whilst delivering a consistently high quality of work.
R v MR: Instructed as Defence Counsel to represent a Defendant accused of raping his biological daughter regularly between the ages of 6 and 12 years.
R v DKL: Instructed to prosecute allegations made against the Defendant by 3 girls aged between 14 and 20 of rapes and other sexual offending.
R v DP: Instructed to prosecute allegations dating back to the 1980s by a stepdaughter of rape and regular sexual abuse by her stepfather during her childhood.
R v DM: Instructed to defend a single allegation of rape which arose between 2 strangers who had attended a house party.
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Fraud, Commercial Crime, Confiscation and other Dishonesty Offences
Bathsheba Cassel appears regularly for the prosecution and the defence in cases involving financial crime. In 2008, she undertook a secondment at the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office where she had conduct of some of the largest confiscation cases in the country at that time, giving her invaluable and unrivalled experience. She is adept at handling, presenting and/or challenging serious and complex points of law and fact in such cases.
R v HS: Instructed to defend allegations of converting criminal property of a value in excess of £275,000 arising from a Ghanaian internet romance scam involving vulnerable and elderly victims.
R v DW: Instructed to prosecute allegations of fraud by a defendant in a position of trust from a number of local amateur sports clubs. The value of the fraud totalled in excess of £100,000.
R v JB: Instructed to defend allegations of frauds of in excess of £65,000 by an elderly defendant of 2 dependents in his care with significant learning difficulties.
R v DG and others: Instructed to prosecute 3 defendants accused of conspiracy to burgle involving 39 house burglaries and losses to the victims of in excess of £100,000.
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Regulatory Offences:
Bathsheba Cassel is regularly instructed for the prosecution and defence across a broad spectrum of regulatory offences.
R v TA: Instructed to prosecute on behalf of the Insolvency Service for a range of dishonesty offences and offences contrary to the Company Director’s Disqualification Act 1986.
R v CM: Instructed to defend one of 4 Defendants in this prosecution by Trading Standards of a conspiracy to sell counterfeit goods for approximately £2,000,000 and associated money laundering offences.
R v JM: Instructed to defend allegations of benefit fraud totalling in excess of £130,000.
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Drugs offences
Bathsheba Cassel has significant experience of cases involving drugs offences, appearing regularly for both the prosecution and defence.
Operation Ipanema: Instructed as junior Prosecution Counsel, led by Simon Laws QC, to prosecute 30 defendants for a large class A drugs conspiracy.
R v JR: Instructed to defend one of 10 defendants in a 4 month trial of an indictment alleging class A drugs conspiracy, controlling and coercive behaviour and serious sexual allegations
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Driving Offences:
Bathsheba Cassel appears regularly for the prosecution and the defence in road traffic offences at all levels. She has an in-depth knowledge of complex road traffic law as well as a keen understanding of the predicaments of both victims and those charged with such offences.
R v WSL: Instructed to prosecute an allegation of death by careless driving where an elderly driver had pulled out of a junction into the path of an oncoming motorcyclist, sadly killing him.
R v AB: Instructed to prosecute an allegation of dangerous driving where a delivery driver drove across an activated level crossing, missing an oncoming passenger train by seconds.
R v MW: Instructed to defend an allegation of driving with excess alcohol in the magistrates’ court, extensively challenging the police and forensic procedure.
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Parole Board and Prison Adjudications:
Bathsheba Cassel has experience representing prisoners at parole hearings and prison adjudications.
ASL: Instructed to represent a life prisoner at their parole hearing to make representations for a move to open conditions.
KL: Instructed to represent an IPP prisoner at their parole hearing to make representations for release.
SK: Instructed to represent a prisoner on remand at their prison adjudication for possessing a mobile telephone.
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Biographical and Other Information
- CPS Panel Advocate - Grade 3. CPS Panel Advocate - Rape and Child Sexual Abuse list.
- Member
- Member of the Criminal Bar Association